Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 40: The Sandlot

Dear Avid Reader,

Ever notice how hard work brings a tiredness that is unlike any other kind of tired? This is especially true when the work is outside on a hot day.

Well I am tired from working outside in the hot sun and it feels kind of good.

He Was Lucky She Hadn't Beat The Crap Out Of Him

Isn't interesting that Baby Boomer parents don't have any friends? Isn't that weird. And as they are becoming empty-nesters, they don't have anything to do. So they are staying longer at their jobs and bother their kids. And that sucks.

And what's even weirder, is that when watching movies like The Sandlot and other 50's/60's nostalgia flicks, it always seems like the children of that era had the tightest groups of friends in middle school. So what the hell happened?

You're Killing Me Smalls

I think it was wealth. In the intervening years, the kids that played in that sandlot ended up experiencing a time of huge prosperity in this country. They could afford to be alone and they chose to be alone. Just look at the increase in suburban living during the 80's and 90's. If they don't like it, Baby Boomers just move on. Just like the characters ended up doing at the end of The Sandlot.

But that time of huge consumption is over. Now is the time of the hangover after the binge drinking. 9% unemployment looks to be the new normal for the foreseeable future. Low wages and greater wealth inequity are the order of the day. And I, for one, am totally pissed about it.

Anyone Who Wants To Be A Can't-Hack-It Pantywaist Who Wears Their Mama's Bra, Raise Your Hand

Being an unfortunate child of history can be hard, but there is no use in complaining too much about it. It won't change anything. I guess there is solace in knowing that I'm not as big a douchebag as baby boomers.

But not much.

Until Next i Blog,


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